MAINE Maine Statutes: Model White Cane Law, Chapter 58, Public Laws of 1971, 17 M.R.S.A., Section 1311 through 1316, amended in 1981 Maine statutory law guarantees a blind person the legal right to be accompanied by a specially trained dog guide in all public accommodations and on all modes of public transportation. No extra charge can be levied because of the presence of the dog guide, by the dog guide user is liable for any damages the dog might cause to the premises. Maine law also insures the right of a blind person to equal employment in its state service, the service of its political subdivisions, in public schools, and in any employment supported in whole or in part by public funds, unless the visual disability prevents the performance of the work involved. Public accommodations include hotels, restaurants, stores, motels, places of resort and amusement, and all other places to which the public is invited. (*1312) Public conveyances include boats, trains, buses, streetcars, taxis, airplanes, and all other modes of transportation offered for public use. (*1312) Violation: Any person, firm, or corporation or agent thereof who interferes with the above enumerated rights is guilty of a misdemeanor and punishable accordingly under Maine law.